Sand sculptures on Prince Edward Island


sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

sand sculptures

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15 Responses to Sand sculptures on Prince Edward Island

  1. megan says:

    When I was a kid, the big mall near us would feature in a place where three hallways intersected a giant sand castle. They brought in a few tons of sand and hired a professional to sculpt it. It was a massive sculpture that reached almost two and a half stories high, and was so intricately carved that it didn’t seem so much of a sand castle as a real castle.

    Unfortunately, by the time I was a teenager, they replaced that feature with a really corny rainforest “tree,” complete with the worst looking animatronic animals I have ever seen.

    Eventually, I think the mall just gave up and let the hallway stand bare. While I’m glad that the monstrosity of the fake tree is gone, I do miss that sand castle.

  2. That is amazing. The only sand sculpture I could ever make was taking a bucket, filling it with sand and turning it over. So my sculpture was, well, The inside of an upside down bucket.

  3. Beautiful! Canadians have amazing talent. On the first picture, I really thought those were REAL potatoes in a REAL basket!

  4. Sue says:

    Those are so neat. Our state fair has sand sculptures like those and it always draws a big crowd. Maybe I’ll have to go to the fair this year….

  5. starlaschat says:

    WOW Those are amazing! The last one and the one of the lady milking the cow I wonder if they were done by the same person. Very talented.

  6. Tony says:

    Yes I could only sculpt the inside of an upside down bucket too. I really like the tractor but they are all incredible.

  7. nikki says:

    WOW… very cool!!

  8. Nice. Thanks for sharing these.

  9. That is so cool! Ever seen the show Sand Blasters? They pull off some pretty cool stuff on there, too.

  10. P. K. Capton says:

    So beautiful and the talent! Wow. How long do the sculptures last? What holds these creations together so well?

  11. Betty says:

    These are great! When and where can we go see them this year? Is it a yearly event in PEI? Would love to go see them!!

    • D Farkas says:

      It is(they are) beautiful!!!!! Is there a history that one can read…is this done on a yearly schedule…where and when on the island can one actually come and view this in action???

  12. Moody McKay says:

    Just amazing the sculptures seem so real, bravo to all who made these possible,
    talant, talant, what can one say just beautifull.

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